Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not another iPad review

Forget another iPad review.

I'm not going to do one. The Internet is full of takes on the tablet and lists all the things it can or can't do written by people smarter than me. I'm going to talk about something else instead. I'm going to talk about marketing.

Apple knows how to market a product.

In 2001, Steve Jobs unveiled the iPod, and now iTunes virtually controls the on-line music industry. Jobs knows how to make an audience hang onto his every word, and he knows how to build up suspense for a big reveal.

The I'm a Mac commercials were classic in their simplicity and their humor. They also spawned mimic commercials from Microsoft which just seem lacking by comparison.

Even the closed-mouth approach leading up to the big reveal that Apple was developing a tablet computer had blogs like Mac Rumors and Apple Insider overloaded with fan boys and girls looking for some news about a device which might not even exist.

With all the build up, I was honestly let down by the press release Apple had back in January. You're welcome to read my review here on this blog.

Now I realize something, Steve Jobs didn't have to sell the iPad. Everyone from web-sites like Gizmodo and ones mentioned above to major news companies such as the New York Times and the BBC are doing it for him.

Three hundred thousand iPads sold on the first day, according to Apple, and the numbers will only go up from there as the 3G models and new functions become available.

I don't consider myself to be an Apple fan-boy. I like their products, but I can't afford them. I might as well look at an expensive sports car as an Apple computer since I can't afford one of those either.

Still, I have to hand it to them, Apple has achieved such brand recognition that media companies around the world do their advertising for them with stories and reviews about their products. Forget some touch screen tablet, that's impressive.

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